Friday, December 5, 2014

The new painting is about Time

I was trying to just paint a straight up pretty landscape type painting for once and JUST...couldn't do it. The painting is about a moment in time and the associated emotion felt at that moment, but it wasn't really working, and so it is now semi destroyed. Sometimes I like to figuratively burn my paintings to the ground and build them back up again. The noise it produces now is not burning flames but a clank like gears and time passing. It is large and is sort of taking forever.

Meanwhile on Facebook, its trying to sell me a t-shirt that says 50 is the new 30. I am almost there and can report that it is not. Well only if you are a moron. A lot has happened in the last 20 years. I feel like I have lots to say about it too. As I watch #1 daughter grow I gain in understanding. As I watch myself changing and becoming, I can see the gears moving, that had remained invisible for so long.

Husband is spooked by some show on Fox, Sunday night, leading to a discussion on whether the devil exists. Esoteric reading suggests that this is in fact the case. That the devil, symbolized by the black cube and the planet Saturn is in charge of Time. Which is why evil doers seem to go on and on and never pay for their crimes. Karma is the law of the universe, but since Saturn spins the wheels and gears, it exerts its own control over things. Saturn is also known by the name Chronos, the guy with the long white beard from Greek mythology who devoured his own children. Lots of artists have done some ugly sad bloody paintings of this guy over the years, but not me. Saturn in my paintings only appears as a clock face, or a planet, which is quite beautiful in it's deadly non-life supporting way. What with its poison gas atmosphere and 1000+ mile per hour winds. See if you can spot him in my last painting...

#1 daughter drew this new picture for me in pencil and I inked it. Its Sobek and Horus.

 The fight between the Sun and Saturn keeps asserting itself into my consciousness for some reason-- Kaypacha the astrologer was transmitting from the Kom Ombo temple, the temple of Sobek (Saturn) and Horus. He said there are many stone carvings representing  the rivalry between Sobek the crocodile- headed god of the Nile, and Horus the hawk-headed sky god. In his cosmology Horus represents Jupiter, The ruler of Sagittarius, meaning festive, jovial, abundance,expansion. I always picture him as the ghost of Christmas present from Dicken's A Christmas Carol. I have also heard Horus represents the Sun so it gets a little confusing.  I've mostly heard him referred to as a Christ-like Sun God. When looking at these ancient mythologies you have to consciously set aside your 21st century eyes, and try to grok concepts such as the ancient Egyptian's keeping crocodiles in jeweled pools to worship. The Egyptian Gods are confusing and shift around a lot to my eyes. In this quote, blogger David Mathisen compares Osiris as Saturn to Horus as Christ

"And so, in the symbolic language of ancient myth, our incarnate existence is a struggle between the undeniable fact of our imprisonment in the underworld kingdom of Saturn, the tyrannical lord of time who devours his children and turns them to dust by his inexorable turnings,  and the equally undeniable fact of our internal Christ-like nature, this "Horus principle" or "Christ consciousness" within, which urges us to transcend this underworld existence, and tells us that this earthly prison is not ultimately our true home. However, in order to rise up like Horus, we must first descend into the realm of Osiris: in order to become a Christ, we must descend into the kingdom of Saturn. " David Mathisen

So can we say when we look into the battle of Sobek and Horus we are seeing the battle of good vs evil, Satan vs Christ. Again 21st century eyes. We have been encouraged our whole lives to look at the world as a battle between Heroes and Villains, and you must take that programing into consideration. I feel that if current trends continue we will soon be witnessing an age of  happy medicated autistic adults and humanoid robots locked in battle with reptilian satanist alligators.  Wait I'm not sure who's side the robots are on.
  So Husband asks me "Do you believe there is a Devil?"And to my surprise I can't even answer. An other-worldy other-dimensional source of evil? There seems to be some in our hearts, but I've never really seen, you know, solid evidence. Except that one time, when I was riding my bike late and there was that being that looked like a man made out of  the blackness of space. Who knows what that was, but it had the bad  feeling of being from somewhere else. There seem to be centers of evil on this earth, Hollywood is one, London is another. Not all evil those towns, but in parts you know there's soul killing stuff that goes on. Probably there's nothing more evil on earth than the people who hurt children. And I wonder how that stands. I guess if the devil were in charge of time.

Back to the painting, oh I'm so obsessed! It is exciting to me to try and paint Time. Its like trying to paint the Wind.
Will it ever be finished!?
Time will tell.

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