I'm trying to figure out something I'm reading so please indulge. Another book stolen from Mom's library, that my brother sent her from the UK, valuable to me because you can get different books there. This one is The Zelator by Mark Hedsel. So esoteric and thick you can cut it with a knife. This book says people are like seven layer dip, that's like beans, guacamole, sour cream, lettuce, chips, um gummy bears, uh two more, cheese! and olives, yeah. Some seven food layers, whatever you choose...
But the seven layers or bodies of man actually are;
1. The Physical, of course and that's the only one that's visible. The animal, its beautiful, I'm seriously not down with the idea that animals or bodies are less than spiritual. It's here until your dead, maintained by the activity of your cells, and is steeped in the
2. The Etheric body. You can see etheric energies in plants and trees, its verdant, vegetablis green kingdom essence. "The Etheric is symbolized by a flowering plant and is composed of the four ethers. http://www.dynamisch.nu/feno/english/e3pheno8.html
3. The Ego, the sacred self which drives the will. The self concious self, the strange loop, the mind "Like the goddess Venus, the Ego is attended by three Graces, a triad of Spirtual beings who weave a stately dance around her...the Atman, Buddhi, and Manas."
4. The Atman, that's your soul baby.
5.The Budhi, it means awakened, the part that sees past the duality, the intellect that is capable of understanding the truth
6. The Manas, the vibrations, the seeds of music. For physics interpretation see string theory, how everything in the universe is playing.
7. The Astral body, a subtle body of emotions. The astral body flies an astral plane, mainly on the astral plain. http://youtu.be/OjhNyMo5qLY
These light bodies also cast a shadow, which is Karma, or dark matter, that accumulates over lifetimes. Speaking of which, the guy who wrote this book does that thing I can't understand, that I've noticed spiritual teachers do sometimes, is to completely disdain sex. I can't figure out why the ineffable would bother make sex feel so good and yet at the same time consider it base and unworthy of enlightened humans. It doesn't make sense. There are hair-raising reproductions in this book of Mediaeval wood engravings of libertines having their private parts attacked by frogs and snakes, which I guess means attended by demons. Then sex isn't like praying, but more like preying That's all messed up, but maybe that's what those porno pirates are up to.
"Un moine et un boucher se disputaient l'intérieur de chaque désir" Cioran
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