Saturday, February 7, 2015

Purple Madder Alizarin, Winsor Blue(Red Shade), Carmine. Husband keeps coming into the studio and telling me the painting is really good. He says he wants to buy it. He says, time exploding, the plane wreck from lost, old car at the swimming hole. This scares me so I stop working on it. It becomes "my precious" and I start navel-gazing. Hoping to get a little more work in tonight while waiting for it to rain in one hour. Rain, please, please, please.

I might have to just work on a little canvas again.
Seeing old pictures of yourself on the internet is strange.
Especially when they're, um, in black and white.
Oh the duality.

This is what I made last time I got scared of the time painting. A drawing of a Scarab, swimming in planatary seas with stained glass. Sometimes I get one color stuck in my head and think about it endlessly. Plus I love the blues and I've been hearing some amazing music this week on radio. Saw the light of the sunrise on the underside of the wings of crows this morning.